10 posts in the Box Office Booty CategoryWhere The Hunger Games stands against the champs April 16, 2012 5:06 PM Weekend box office numbers for April 13-15, and where The Hunger Games' first installment ranks against the great franchise series films. Bully, Cabin in the Woods, Lockout, The Hunger Games, The Three Stooges Bucky Larson bombs, surprising everyone September 12, 2011 4:46 PM Another day, another mindbogglingly bad movie with eight funny reviews. Bucky Larson Box Office Booty: November 19th, 2007 November 19, 2007 8:00 AM I wasn't real sure how well Beowulf was going to do this weekend, it's really a toss-up given it being animation and not live-action, but things turned out rather well for Paramount's latest fantasy adventure. The rather expensive flick topped the box office with $28 million on costs of $150m. That ain't great and this probably should have cost $100m instead of 150, but it certainly beats the business for Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (have I mentioned that whoever came up with that title should be liquidated?) with pulled in only $10 million in roughly the same number of theaters.Love in the Time of Cholera (god that's even worse) did $1.9 million in 852 theaters which doesn't bode well when... Box Office Booty: November 12th, 2007 November 12, 2007 9:00 AM Apparently the word-of-mouth for DreamWork's Bee Movie was exceptionally better than it's reviews were. Most critics seemed to agree that the film was basically about nothing at all. Some found that charming and relaxed, others were far less generous than that. The average user review of 55% wasn't much better than the 51% the pros gave, but that didn't stop the animated flick from shooting to the #1 spot in its second week hauling in a cool $26 million against $24m for Universal's American Gangster.... American Gangster, Bee Movie, Fred Claus, Lions for Lambs Box Office Booty: November 5th, 2007 November 5, 2007 5:20 PM While the studios stiff writers over a four-cent-per-DVD increase in residual payments, they are hauling it in with gangster flicks and star studded animation this weekend and will continue to do that for the foreseeable future. The studios currently have enough finished scripts now and enough films already in production that they won't start having shortfalls until well into next year, possibly as far away as 2009.American Gangster easily took the top spot this weekend by cashing in $46.3 million in about 3,000 theaters on a budget of $100 million, easily beating out Bee Movie which opened in 1,000 more theaters than did Gangster, but did very well in its own right with $39 million on a budget of 150.... American Gangster, Bee Movie Box Office Booty: October 29th, 2007 October 29, 2007 2:33 PM If Nikki Finke is whining, it must mean there's a poplar and financially successful horror film in the theaters that involves people hurting other people. I know, it's a shocker that anyone would want to make such a thing, when it's much more "proper" to have humans wiped off the planet by aliens and stuff. Oh well, it makes me happy when people with Puritant tendencies get all offended by fiction, and resent that anyone would actually like something that they don't.To wit, the Saw franchise has been Lionsgate's most reliable set for the past couple of years, and the latest edition failed to disappoint with a studio estimate of $32 million for Saw IV's weekend already making back its... Dan in Real Life, Saw IV Box Office Booty: October 22nd, 2007 October 22, 2007 12:00 PM Sorry about not publishing a Theater Watch this past weekend, the release schedule has slowed down to a crawl with a lot of bad and boring films being dumped on us lately. There wasn't a lot worth going out to spend money on except perhaps if you're looking for horror flicks in the runup to Halloween. To that end, 30 Days of Night topped the sched that had an old Tim Burton flick re-released by Disney, another ignored Iraq film, and Ben Affleck's directorial debut.Even with it's top spot, I don't think 30 Days of Night will be making back its budget. It cost $30 million to make, opened with a $16 million weekend, but only 55% of that actually... 30 Days of Night, Gone Baby Gone Box Office Booty: October 15, 2007 October 15, 2007 11:13 AM I had no idea that so many people would go out and see a movie that showed no trailers, had nothing written about it, and generally looked like a boring loser from stem to stern. I'm talking about a flick called Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married, which managed to beat off both Michael Clayton and We Own The Night this past weekend. I am simultaneously impressed and disappointed.Was this odd movie by some dude nobody has ever heard of some sort of evil magic, or was it really just a very boring and slow weekend? Who cares, I just hate being wrong.Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married ($21.5 million)The Game Plan ($11.5m)Michael Clayton ($11.010m)We Own The Night... Box Office Booty: October 08, 2007 October 9, 2007 7:00 AM Neither of this past weekends three new flicks managed the top spot while The Rock is showing off not just his ability to open a weekend for the first time, but also that he can hold onto a top spot for more than a single weekend. I'm talking about The Game Plan which held steady against The Heartbreak Kid, and stood unchallenged by the meekly The Dark is Rising. Feel The Noise didn't even factor into the top 5 though was handicapped by a limited opening in just a tad over 1,000 theaters.From what I've been able to gather, none of these films had stellar budgets, about $22m for Game Plan, and another 20 for Rising. That means Rock's flick... Feel the Noise, The Dark is Rising, The Heartbreak Kid Box Office Booty: October 2nd, 2007 October 2, 2007 5:34 PM A little bit of a surprise here, The Rock managed to open the top spot this weekend with The Game Plan, squarely knocking out terror drama The Kingdom, sending Mr. Jamie "Oscar Weiner Winner" Foxx to a grueling loss at the hands of a pro wrestler.Ouch.You know, there wasn't much going on this weekend, but this was a much needed win for The Rock. He hasn't had a real hit since making the move from sports entertainment to real entertainment until now, and he just put Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, and Michael Mann on their asses.The Game Plan ($22.9m)The Kingdom ($17.4)Resident Evil: Extinction ($8m)Good Luck Chuck ($6.2)3:10 to Yuma ($4.2)MGM's flick Feast of Love bombed with $1.7 million for 12th... The Darjeeling Limited, The Game Plan, The Kingdom |