Movies, TV shows recently released

by Paul William Tenny

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DVD liek watar.
Note: This post is nearly six months old, the most recent list of DVD releases is here, and an archive of all lists is here. An Atom/RSS feed for these posts is also available here. If you've come this far, please come a little further to get what you need..

I've drawn up a list of recently released movies and TV shows on DVD, thieved, stolen, acquired, and borrowed from other sites that have made this information publicly available in the hopes of getting some of you suckers awesome readers to buy this crap reward the creators of your favorite shows and feature films by gifting them with your hard earned pennies. These links all lead to, so if you're uneasy about frequenting the Wal-Mart of the Internet, then you're pretty screwed since ...

Included are 17 TV shows (or something based on them) and another six movies that were released on the 13th. If I don't get sued by evil Internet goblins or crushed by tyrannically retail giants that want their shirt back, I'll continue stealing publish these each Tuesday as they come out.


Too bad there aren't as many games released as old TV show sets and movies, or this list could be a triple play. If anybody knows where to get game release dates, please let me know.

Note: This post is nearly six months old, the most recent list of DVD releases is here, and an archive of all lists is here. An Atom/RSS feed for these posts is also available here. If you've come this far, please come a little further to get what you need..
in Film, Recently Released, Television


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