In Brief

by Paul William Tenny

I still have no idea how I want to format these kinds of posts, so I'm going to just keep trying new things and then old things and then some new things again until I'm happy. You'll just have to suffer through it. Sorry. Here, have a cookie or something. (Here are some things I'm reading that you should read too.)

'Rookie' Webisodes provide fix for '24' fans  (Reuters)**

Latest Hollywood script deals (Reuters)

TV crews still hurting from WGA strike (TV Squad)
Jericho:  A Tale of Two Heroic Seasons (BuddyTV)

Fan Rant: Will Smith Needs to Play a Villain (Cinematical)

David Mamet Dreams of a Day When All Critics Are Dead (Cinematical)

SAG's 2008 Contract Report On Residuals (Deadline Hollywood)

Lawsuit offers peek into exec compensation (Hollywood Reporter)

Game Sales Threaten Hollywood Blockbusters (*

Ben Stiller Talks Tropic Thunder (IESB)

Josh Friedman Talks the Future of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (MovieWeb)

My Name is Bruce Gets A Release Date (Movies Online)

TV adventurer Bear Grylls struggles to justify risk (Reuters)

*They won't. Ever.
**What 24 looks like without six seasons worth of baggage. Verdict: still awesome.
in Film, Games, In Brief, Television


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