Goodbye Enterprise, Hello Jericho..(Updated)

by Paul William Tenny

The Scifi channel is trading Klingons for country bumpkins trying to survive a post-apocalyptic United States on Monday nights, beginning February 11th.

Goodbye Enterprise, hello Jericho!

According to the press release, said mini-marathon will begin one day before the new "season" begins on CBS in a move to cushion their scripted drama depraved schedule due to the ongoing writers strike. It's really just a limited-run...something since a season consists of 22-24 episodes, not 7.

I really do like the later seasons of Enterprise and I'll be a little sad to see them go, but a very fine show is taking its place that need people need to see. Jericho had its bumps as any new series does, but it easily earned a second full season order and was at least good enough to get seven more, even after it had been canceled, which led to a silly yet effective fan effort to get the show back on the air.

It would have been better for the show if Scifi had picked up Jericho a couple of weeks ago, at least long enough to get a third of the season in front of a new audience before the new "season" began in the 12th.

Still, check out what you've missed if you've never seen the show before, you'll like what you see. Each new Monday should bring four new episodes (new to cable, anyway) until the full season has played out.

Jericho EP Carol Carbee told Scifi Wire that she'll know within the first few episodes if Jericho has a shot at more, or if it will be embarrassingly canceled for a second time.

"I'm just guessing here, but I would imagine that probably, they usually start to have an opinion around the third airing, so usually by then your fate can be sealed in terms of it not going well," Barbee said. "They may wait another week or so if it is going well for us to order more."

I just don't see anyone coming back to a show they've already made judgments about, even with the strike. Most fans should be please they get these new episodes and prepare for the worst. Maybe a TV movie would have been a better idea..

A reader let me know a couple of interesting things about an hour and a half ago:

1. My comments were broken, and probably have been for months.
2. My contact page had no actual contact information on it.
3. Enterprise is only being preempted on Monday, February the 11th for the Jericho mini-marathon, after which Archer and crew will return, either for the end of the 4th and final season, or wrapping back around to the beginning which will happen eventually anyway.


My site has been broken, and I'm an idiot who doesn't do any research.

Thank you Morjana, I owe you.
in Television


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Test #4.
Test #5


Hi, Paul.

You're NOT an idiot.

I just happen to visit on a daily basis, doing research for my blog, and knew that Enterprise was only pre-empted for the one night.

I enjoy reading your blog and wish you the very best.

Thank you!

Test #5


Hi, Paul.

You're NOT an idiot.

I just happen to visit on a daily basis, doing research for my blog, and knew that Enterprise was only pre-empted for the one night.

I enjoy reading your blog and wish you the very best.

Thank you!


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