Get Ready For No More Prison Break

by Paul William Tenny

prison-break.jpgIt hasn't been canceled. Yet. But Fox is preparing to send Prison Break on a nearly half-year long hiatus to make room on its Monday night schedule for The Sarah Connor Chronicles. News has come in that Chronicles will be taking over Prison Break's time slot, with the latter going off the air in mid-December and the former making its debut along side 24 in January.

Although Fox has promised to finish off this season at some point, this is precisely what happened to Jericho on CBS, and that resulted in a temporary cancellation (and the striking of their sets) and it's abbreviated return for seven new episodes to test the waters - with a much smaller budget.

I definitely think Prison Break fans have something to worry about, networks don't do this kind of thing to shows that are performing well in the ratings and they know precisely what the ramifications are for placing a series on a four month break. The results are universally bad that almost always result in one thing: termination.
in Television


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1 Comment

what is wrong with you execs can you not see a good drama biting you in the ass why the f**k would you cancel a great show if the plots aren't good enough get new writers why get rid off the shows?

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