Tentatively titled "Prison Break: Cherry Hill," the potential new series would be set at a women's prison and center on Molly, a new regular character who will be introduced on "Prison" later this season.
Fox has ordered a script of the possible spinoff, which is being written by "Prison" executive producer Matt Olmstead and co-executive producer Zack Estrin.
A search is under way for an actress to play Molly. "Prison" producers will determine in which episode she will make her first appearance after casting the role. If "Cherry Hill" doesn't go forward, Molly will continue on "Prison" as a regular character.
Molly is an upper-middle-class wife. After suffering a family tragedy at the hands of the Company -- the government conspiracy that framed Michael (Wentworth Miller) and Lincoln (Dominic Purcell) and put them behind bars -- she seeks them out at the hellish Panamanian prison Sona in her quest to exact vengeance.
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