I'm sorry to report that TV Squad writer Adam Finley died in a bicycle accident last week. Apparently Finley was hit by a bus and suffered fatal injuries from the accident. I don't know a thing about the man and had never even heard his name until early this morning, while I was catching up on some news. I first read about it on Wil Wheaton's blog (Wil writes for TV Squad occasionally) where he wrote about Adam's passing. Had it not been for that post, I'd have never known.
Adam's friends and colleagues have collected their favorite stories of his and posted them on the website. As I said, I didn't know him at all so I don't have very much to say about him, other than I'm sad that he's no longer with us and his family. He was only a couple of years older than I am, which makes me think of two things: I'm glad that I'm alive and I intend to begin making the most of it; and this fella was taken from his friends and family far, far too soon.
Death is hard enough to deal with, but untimely deaths are like getting salt rubbed in the wound. We know the score, nobody lives forever, but I think many people will agree that even 100 years just isn't enough, you know? It takes 20 years just to get going, and the last 20 are usually the least useful of them all. With average lifespan, that gives you what, 25 years to enjoy what you've got? By my math, Adam got about 10.
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