When an actress starts to talk politics and you "accidentally" cut away to a camera facing a wall and "accidentally" and simultaneously mute the broadcast's sound, we know what you're doing. Nobody is that stupid. Censorship is bad enough, but when you try to hide it by faking technical glitches you're not just a stupid bunch of weak-kneed FCC lackies, you're evil. George Orwell evil. We see through you. Maybe the Emmy telecast is new to this whole America thing, but hey, free speech? Where'd that go? If it's just a curse word you're censoring, how about using an old fashioned bleep? It's worked for decades. Use it. Love it. Don't leave us looking at the wall and wondering if we're living in a "V for Vendetta" graphic novel.
If you're television, of course you don't want to promote You Tube. But you also don't need to piss off their users by promoting some Al Gore fueled competitor no one has ever heard of or uses by giving it a fake, made-up, meaningless award.
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