Keith Olbermann Breaks Through

by Paul William Tenny

I read a while back that NBC was going to push Keith Olbermann to the front with some pre-and-post Nightly News slots sometime this year. Those as far as I know haven't happened yet, but Countdown is making its broadcast network debut August 26th at 7PM just before the preseason game between the Eagles and the Steelers.

Mr. Olbermann, right, will have a regular role in NBC's football coverage once the season begins -- appearing as a co-host on the pregame show "Football Night in America" on Sundays -- this weekend's appearance of his cable show will give a wider audience a look at what he has been up for the last four years. " 'Countdown' is rocketing right now over at MSNBC -- its ratings are going through the roof," said Phil Griffin, senior vice president of NBC News.

Sweet news. Chew on that O'Reilly.


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