Janeane Garofalo Joining 24

by Paul William Tenny

24.jpgHat tip to Matt Ausiello who got the scoop by reporting a few hours ago that Ganeane Garofalo will be joining 24 for its upcoming seventh season as a regular player. Ausiello has next to nothing else when it comes to details, but that's no surprise given that the producers of Fox's still strong but ailing drama recently started over from scratch with their plans for 2008.

The original plot took place in Africa, but well into story development ended up having to be scratched by the guys with the money bags due to projected costs. I can't help but wonder if this is something they might have been able to pull off if they still had the ratings they did three or four years ago.

According to Ausiello, "her character is a government agent who is part of the team investigating the crisis befalling Jack Bauer and Co. in the upcoming season." Good news or bad vibes? Meh, at this point I don't really care. They need to stop rehashing the same old formula and start writing new invigorating stories. New characters won't help if you can't tell an original story, and 24 hasn't done that since season three.

Remember when this all began under the threat of an assassination during the night of the California presidential primary? It wasn't even the general election yet, and no threats of WMD anywhere. 24 was compelling because that story was compelling. They need to get back to that, or pull the plug and do the feature film while they still have good will from the audience.


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